Wallstein Verlag

Jörg Albrecht

Stardust, Flash of Gold, Gleam of Silver


231 pages, 12 x 20 cm
ISBN: 978-3-8353-0270-9


German Version

The novel is a musical survey of the cosmos, telling the most adventurous of German space travel stories imaginable. How would a story about the Germans look if it took place in outer space, if science fiction and fictive science were merged together? If the description of the future we know from films, books and cheap novels were to become reality?

Jörg Albrecht sends Kym, Tym and Martyn off on a childish game of space travel to look for traces of Germany in space. Although they just began school a minute ago, all three of them are ten years older within seconds, speeding through time which for them becomes space, chasing after radio signals that speak of the hum of the universe. In their search for the musical laws of outer space, they bring about German unity. In an emergency operation, the eyeballs of an astronaut and a cosmonaut become welded together as one visual apparatus. The international sandman, a being representing both East and West, operates as a mediator between the nations.
In a mixture of technical data, images and historical reports, the novel gives us an account of the German family in outer space - from Johannes Kepler to Otto Lilienthal and Wernher von Braun to the space patrol Orion. A space opera that also tells us of the cosmic rhythms of pop, from David Bowie to the Klaxons.

The Author
Jörg Albrecht born in Bonn in 1981, now lives in Berlin. He studied comparative literature, history, literary and theatre studies in Vienna and Bochum. Albrecht has written a libretto for the State Opera House in Hanover and also radio plays in cooperation with Mathias Grübel.

Published by Wallstein
Drei Herzen (Three Hearts)
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