The Parable of the Three Rings and the Global Ethics Project
Edited by Hans Küng, Karl-Josef Kuschel and Alois Riklin
264 pages, 11,5 x 19 cm
ISBN: 978-3-8353-0615-8
available German Version
The peaceful coexistence and cooperation between Judaism, Christianity and Islam is the essence of Lessing`s vision in the Drama »Nathan der Weise« (Nathan the Wise, 1779). In 1990 the Swiss theologian Hans Küng launched the »Global Ethics Project«, whose aim goes even further than that of Lessing`s Parable of the Three Rings: it is open not only to all the religions of the world but also to peace concepts which are not based on religion. It demands a basic global consensus of common ethical values, standards and attitudes. These ethical standards can be found in the original texts of the various religions and in non-religious philosophical traditions.
This 17th volume of the »Kleinen Politischen Schriften« (Small Political Scripts) brings the ideas of G. E. Lessing and the »Global Ethic Project« into connection with one another for the first time.
With contributions by: Amira Hafner-Al-Jabaji, Walter Homolka, Hans Küng, Karl-Josef Kuschel, Josef Osterwalder, Ursula Renz and Alois Riklin
The Editors
Hans Küng, born in 1928, 1960-1996 Professor of Ecumenical Theology at the University of Tübingen, 1962-1965 adviser in the II. Vatican Council, President of the Global Ethic Foundation in Tübingen since 1996.
Karl-Josef Kuschel, born in 1948, Professor at the Catholic Theological Faculty of the University of Tübingen, Vice-President of the Global Ethic Foundation since 1996.
Alois Riklin, born in 1935, 1970-2001 Professor of Politics at the University of St Gallen, 1982-1986 Rector of the University of St. Gallen.