Wallstein Verlag

Freud and Antiquity

Edited by Claudia Benthien, Hartmut Böhme and Inge Stephan

474 pages, 14 x 22,2 cm
ISBN: 978-3-8353-0786-5


German Version

Whilst on his travels, Sigmund Freud made careful studies of ancient sites and collections, and his library contained a large number of scientific literary works on the ancient world. He was such an avid collector that his apartment came to resemble a private museum for antique artifacts, reflecting far more than the canonical respect for antiquity of the 19th century.

Freud`s study of Jewish and Egyptian antiquity is fundamental to his explanation of monotheistic religions; moreover Greek mythology and antique philosophy profoundly influenced the theoretical concepts of psychoanalysis.
The 18 contributions that make up this volume examine the theory that psychoanalysis is the last re-establishment of a science in the modern age, whose foundations constitutively stem from antiquity.

From the Contents:
Thomas Anz: Transformationen antiker Emotionstheorien (Transformations of Antique Theories of Emotion)
Johannes Endres: Freud und die Komödie der Antike (Freud and the Comedy of Antiquity)
Gail Finney: Familientrauma im zeitgenössischen Film (Family Trauma in Contemporary Film)
Julia Freytag: Elektra und Ödipus im 20. Jahrhundert (Electra and Oedipus in the 20th Century)
Thomas Macho: Freuds Mischwesen: Von der thebanischen Sphinx bis zum Wolfsmann (Freud`s hybrid beings - from the Theban Sphinx to the Wolf Man)
Inge Stephan: Die Antike im psychoanalytischen Alltag (Antiquity in Everyday Psychoanalysis)
Paola Traverso: Antike Traumtheorien in der Traumdeutung (Antique Dream Theories in the Interpretation of Dreams)
Carina Weiß: Antike Gemmen aus der Sammlung Sigmund Freuds (Antique Gems from the Collection of Sigmund Freud)
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