Wallstein Verlag

Armin T. Wegner

Shout it to the World

Manifestos and Open Letters

248 pages, 12,5 x 21,0 cm
ISBN: 978-3-8353-1273-9


German Version

From the 1918 revolution to the Palestinian conflict – the testimonies of a wakeful spirit.

Armin T. Wegner was an exemplary 20th century witness. He literally experienced the atrocities and brutalities of totalitarianism at first hand, offering resistance for his entire life – the resistance of the spirit, as he saw it.
The texts in this volume, written between 1918 and 1968, bear testimony to this resistance. They encompass the 1918 revo­lution and the struggle against both German militarism and the authoritarian tendencies of communism, a passionate commitment to the Armenians, whose suffering in the First World War Armin T. Wegner experienced as an eye witness, the fight against the per­ secution of the Jews in his famous »Brief an Adolf Hitler« (Letter to Adolf Hitler), his efforts against the divisions of the Cold War and the tension between the Israelis and the Arabs, which he shrewdly described as being a consequence of European colonialism. Armin T. Wegner took a stance on all aspects of the significant ideological battles of the 20th century, often by means of the manifesto and the open letter.

Armin T. Wegner (1886–1978) was a lawyer, an expressionist poet and a pacifist.

The Editors
Miriam Esau, born in 1979, studied modern German literature, German linguistics and media studies at the University of Paderborn.
Michael Hofmann, born in 1957, is a professor of modern German literature and literary didactics at the Universities of Bonn, Nancy and Liège.
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