A dance of love, the story of a good-for-nothing, composed from the elements, images and codes of the 21st century.
How can he make such a fool of himself and look so ridiculous, going about his daily business of flicking through the television channels or touring around the bars and nail studios of the city? Continually on the lookout for the next great love, usually interrupted at the wrong moment by a call on his mobile phone from his own mother.
Teresa Präauer has written a sexually charged, extremely funny and brutally hard book, made for reading aloud with a lot of brightly coloured chewing gum in your mouth. For here, language is a performer – it shows that coming on to people or picking up the opposite sex is still a sporting discipline, made up of copulating words.
»Oh Schimmi« by Teresa Präauer is the book originating from a text that was enthusiastically received by the public and the jury at last year’s Bachmann Competition. Reading it, one has no choice but to cry out »Oh Schimmi!« – sometimes impatiently, sometimes shaking one’s head, sometimes laughing.
Teresa Präauer, born in 1979, is an authoress and a fine artist, and lives in Vienna. She studied painting and German in Salzburg, Berlin and Vienna. For her novel »Für den Herrscher aus Übersee« (For the Ruler from Overseas), she received the aspekte Literature Prize for the best German-language prose debut at the Frankfurt Book Fair in 2012. The artist novel »Johnny und Jean«, published in autumn 2014, was awarded the Droste Literary Prize and the Hölderlin Prize in 2015, and was nominated for the 2015 Leipzig Book Fair Award.
In 2015, Teresa Präauer was an »Honorary Fellow in Writing« at the »International Writing Program«, University of Iowa. In 2016 she is an S. Fischer guest professor at the Peter Szondi Institute, FU Berlin, and in 2017 she will be a Writer in Residence at Grinnell College in the USA.