Wallstein Verlag

Anna Baar

Hey, Delightful Art!

Strolls and marginal notes

146 pages
ISBN: 978-3-8353-5527-9


German Version

»When I was asked about the origin, I said, I come from Schubert, Cave, Cohen ---

and so on ...«

Anna Baar tells of artists and works that influenced her aesthetic perception of the world in the most diverse ways. »Hey, Delightful Art!« gathers marginal notes and literary contributions on what she has seen, heard, and read. Anecdotes of quaint encounters on her strolls through fairgrounds, movie theaters, public restrooms, bars, museums, concert arenas, and opera houses, reflections on reception and critics, and obituaries on early companions. In doing so, she dispenses with common assessments, places celebrities such as Patti Smith, Peter Handke, David Bowie, J. M. Simmel, Mozart, or Hannibal Lecter among the seemingly inconspicuous – and herself along with them.
What Baar discovers in others, she links to the personal. She tells of distractions and digressions on her own path, about times of wondering and pausing , the dear misery of gallery visits, the comfort of moritates and silent lovers, who speak from songs. Art not as what seems, but what resonates within us ...
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