Wallstein Verlag

Rights Catalogue

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Totalitarianism, Genocide and Historiography
Anson Rabinbach
Totalitarianism, Genocide and Historiography
Jena Center for the History of the 20th Century. Lectures ...

Something Small, Sealed up Tight
Svealena Kutschke
Something Small, Sealed up Tight

Ask Me a Question
Steven Bloom
Ask Me a Question

And Cut off his Right Ear
Clemens Berger
And Cut off his Right Ear
Short stories

The Disenchantment of the World
Hartmut Lehmann
The Disenchantment of the World
Studies on some of Max Weber`s themes

The Reverse Side of the Haskalah Movement
Gerhard Lauer
The Reverse Side of the Haskalah Movement
The history of a small Enlightenment

Gardens in March
Hermann Peter Piwitt
Gardens in March

The Shores of the Mountains
Martina Hefter
The Shores of the Mountains

Red against Red
Joseph Breitbach
Red against Red
The Collected Stories

The West in the 20th century
Fritz Stern
The West in the 20th century
Self-destruction, Reconstruction, Present-day Dangers ...

The African Friend
Johannes Gelich
The African Friend

Nothing was in Vain
Hartmut von Hentig
Nothing was in Vain
Stauffenberg`s hour of need

Nations and Their Self-Images
Nations and Their Self-Images
Post Dictatorship Societies in Europe

Dorothea Grünzweig

A Hundred Days
Lukas Bärfuss
A Hundred Days

The Shoemaker Flink
Johann Peter Hebel
The Shoemaker Flink
Unknown -Stories

Thinking Lyrically
Thinking Lyrically
Hannah Arendt and the Arts

Francesco Vettori (1474-1539)
Volker Reinhardt
Francesco Vettori (1474-1539)
The Game of Power

Michelangelo Buonarroti and Leonardo Da Vinci
Franz-Joachim Verspohl
Michelangelo Buonarroti and Leonardo Da Vinci
Everyday Republican Life and Artistic Rivalry in Florence ...

Avant-garde and Psychotechnology
Margarete Vöhringer
Avant-garde and Psychotechnology
The Science, Art and Technology of Experiments on Perception ...

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