Nations and Their Self-Images
Post Dictatorship Societies in Europe
367 pages, 14 x 22,2 cm
ISBN: 978-3-8353-0212-9
sold out German Version
Dictatorships, wars and genocides have left more of a mark on the face of the 20th century than the development of democratic constitutions. The end of the »age of extremes« was characterised by radical, revolutionary changes and the necessity to overcome dictatorial regimes. The new series »Overcoming Dictatorships in the 20th and 21st Centuries« focuses on the question of the transition to democratic systems. It investigates aspects such as control and power, the shift in experience and learning processes.
Contents include:
Katrin Hammerstein: National Socialism as portrayed in the myths propagated during the foundation of the GDR, Austria and the Federal Republic of Germany
Laura Hölzlwimmer: 60 years of war memories and wars surrounding the memories: the example of Poland
Katja Wezel: The self-image of Latvia after 1991
Ian Innerhofer: National self-images in Bosnia and Herzegovina following the decline of Yugoslavia
Birgit Hofmann: Narratives on Real Socialism in the construction of the Czech national identity
Ansgar Warner: Two times Spain?
Gabriele Kämper: Gender Appeal
Regina Fritz: Portrayals of the holocaust in Hungarian museums
Heidemarie Uhl: The memorial landscape of the Second Republic and the transformation of Austrian memory
Julie Trappe: Rumania`s approach to the injustice of its communist past