Wallstein Verlag

Rights Catalogue

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In Search of a Lost Paradise
Fritz Rudolf Fries
In Search of a Lost Paradise
Texts on literature

A Youth in Germany
Ernst Toller
A Youth in Germany
Original Version

»... trembling with colorful bliss«
Renate Müller-Buck
»... trembling with colorful bliss«
Nietzsche in Venice

After the Ferries
Thea Mengeler
After the Ferries

The Process
Franz Kafka
The Process

What is True
Carolin Emcke
What is True
On Violence and Climate

Emil von Behring 1854–1917
Ulrike Enke
Emil von Behring 1854–1917
Immunologist – Entrepreneur – Nobel Prize Winner

Hey, Delightful Art!
Anna Baar
Hey, Delightful Art!
Strolls and marginal notes

Representation and Discussion of History on Social ...

My Apocalypses
Thomas Brussig
My Apocalypses
Why there is Hope

Singular Collective
Ofer Waldman
Singular Collective

The Philosopher’s Servant
Felix Heidenreich
The Philosopher’s Servant

Close enough far away
Antje Rávik Strubel
Close enough far away

Palestine/Israel in View
Anna Sophia Messner
Palestine/Israel in View
Pictorial Geographies of German-Jewish Women Photographers ...

Pacific Passages
Roland Borgards, Lena Kugler und Mira Shah
Pacific Passages
An ›Insularium‹ of the Great Ocean

He and I
Sybil Gräfin Schönfeldt
He and I

for the time being
Valentin Schwan
for the time being

The Doppelgangers
Leander Fischer
The Doppelgangers

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