Even in her early lyrical work, her theme was often the loss of language in a foreign culture and the retrieval, even rediscovery, of one`s own language on alien terrain. With this new volume of poetry, Dorothea Grünzweig not only touches new ground in a formal sense - her themes have also become more pressing, more insistent. Her poems voice the existential experience of a generation perhaps best described as the middle generation. The experience of the loss of childhood and childhood language, the illness and death of one`s parents, the loss of people, animals, nature and things. A dissolution that can also be seen as redemption.
The Authoress
Dorothea Grünzweig, born in Korntal in 1952, studied German and English. After a period of employment at the Scottish University of Dundee she worked as a teacher in Germany and Finland, and moved to Finland permanently in 1989. Since 1998 she has been living and working as a freelance writer and translator in the south of Finland. She has been awarded a large number of scholarships and prizes, including the Christian Wagner Prize in 2004.
Published by Wallstein
Vom Eisgebreit (From the Ice Field). Poems (2000); Glasstimmen (Glass Voices). Poems (2004)