Wallstein Verlag

Peter Ullrich

Germans, Left-wingers and the Middle East Conflict

Politics in the Discourses on Anti-Semitism and Memory

207 pages, 14,0 x 22,2 cm
ISBN: 978-3-8353-1362-0

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German Version

There are continual controversial discussions in Germany on the subject of whether, when and why the critical positions towards Israel in the Middle East conflict are simply a form of veiled anti-Semitism.

Peter Ullrich examines new perspectives: on the one hand, learning processes in the last few decades have caused left-wing debates on the Middle East in Germany to become more complex and balanced than ever. On the other hand, the dangers for a universalistic left-wing position remain evident.
Again and again the arguments become particularistic, whether they find their expression in anti-Semitism, racism, Islamophobia or an extreme over-identification with the parties involved in the conflict.
The author investigates various aspects of the German view of the Middle East conflict from a sociological and discourse analytical perspective.

Left-wing discourses on the Middle East, in the area of conflict between memory enforcement and memory defence.

The Author
Peter Ullrich, born in 1976, is a sociologist and cultural scientist and works as a research assistant at the Centre for Technology and Society (Institute of Protest Research) and at the Centre of Anti-Semitism Research at the TU Berlin.
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