Wallstein Verlag

Monika Hinterberger

Traces of Happiness

Women readers throughout history

256 pages, 12,5 x 21,0 cm
ISBN: 978-3-8353-3799-2


German Version

Reading as an act of female self-determination.

Monika Hinterberger goes on a historical expedition, following traces of female readers back to antiquity. Baesed on portraits of women with books, she challenges the idea that the female gender was unacquainted with reading for long periods of time. She depicts where women learned to read, which books they chose and the interests as well as the expectations behind their pursuit of reading. One thing falls into place: being able to read laid the foundation for self-determined action, giving women the opportunity to learn, acquire education and go their own way. And it led them onwards to something new and quite unexpected – traces of happiness.
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