Wallstein Verlag

Norman Domeier

Global Public and Dictatorship.

American Foreign Correspondents in the »Third Reich«

768 pages, 15,5 x 23,0 cm
ISBN: 978-3-8353-3975-0


German Version

On the close cooperation between the Nazi regime and American journalists.

Hitler’s »Third Reich« was never a hermetically sealed dictatorship. On the contrary – up until the spring of 1945, Nazi Germany was extremely active and well connected in the global media market. For the first time, Norman Domeier examines American foreign correspondents in Germany – from the rise of Hitler in the 1920s to the Nuremberg Trials in 1945/46. As political actors the Americans held a firm position in the Nazi polycracy up to December 1941:
The National Socialists informed them in advance of major political actions and they were key figures in many media events.
Domeier’s research reveals many state and World War secrets, shedding new light on the transatlantic and global relationships of the era. The US media maintained their ties with the wartime enemy between 1942 and 1945: Associated Press (AP), which is, to this day, the world’s largest news agency, cooperated with the Nazi regime throughout World War II. This could offer a new explanation for the American media’s ignorance of the murder of European Jews: the daily flood of news and press photos from the Nazi domain led to a media saturation that made it seem superfluous for news agencies to conduct their own research into controversial stories.

Norman Domeier, born in 1979, is a lecturer in modern and contemporary history at the Institute of History of the University of Stuttgart.
Publications include: The Eulenburg Affair. A Cultural History of Politics in the German Empire (2015).
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