Wallstein Verlag

Political and Transitional Justice in Germany, Poland and the Soviet Union from the 1930s to the 1950s

Herausgegeben von Magnus Brechtken, Władysław Bułhak und Jürgen Zarusky

History shows a plethora of links between the apparently distinct terms of Political and Transitional Justice.

Focussing on »Political and Transitional Justice in Germany, Poland the USSR from the 1930s to the 1950s« this volume presents papers organized by the editors to demonstrate the importance of cooperation in research beyond national borders. The articles reflect the need for constant awareness of the challenges of Political Justice as a topic not just of historical importance but with relevance to present-day negotiations of the past.

Yuri Shapoval: The »Union for the Liberation of Ukraine« (»SVU«) trial: fabrication, mechanisms, consequences
Ingo Müller: Judicial and Extrajudicial Political Persecution under the National Socialist Dictatorship - Structures, Logic, and Developments
Wladyslaw Bulhak: In Search of Political Justice, 1939-2000. From the Main Commission for the Investigation of German Crimes in Poland to the Institute of National Remembrance
Joanna Lubecka: German Crimes Tried in Poland: A political and legal analysis on the example of Supreme National Tribunal Trials in Southern Poland
Adam Dziurok: The specific character of prosecuting Nazi crimes in the borderlands
Lukasz Jasinski: Polish and Czechoslovak Retribution against Germany, 1945-1949: A Comparison

Das Buch erscheint in englischer Sprache.
Magnus Brechtken

Magnus Brechtken ist stellvertretender Direktor des Instituts für Zeitgeschichte München-Berlin. Veröffentlichungen u. a.: Der Wert der Geschichte. Zehn Lektionen für die Gegenwart (2020); Albert Speer - eine deutsche Karriere (2017).


Władysław Bułhak

Władysław Bułhak studied History at Warsaw University, PhD at the Institute of History, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw; 2016-present senior researcher at the Historical Research Office of the IPN in Warsaw. Member of the editorial board.Wywiadi kontrwywiad ...


Jürgen Zarusky

Jürgen Zarusky, der überraschend im März 2019 verstarb, war Historiker und seit 1990 wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter am Institut für Zeitgeschichte München. Seit 2016 war er Chefredakteur der Vierteljahrshefte für Zeitgeschichte, auch fungierte er als ...


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