Wallstein Verlag

Rights Catalogue

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»Then I am a Murderer! «
Walter Manoschek
»Then I am a Murderer! «
Adolf Storms and the Massacre of Jews in Deutsch Schützen ...

Imre Kertész
Irene Heidelberger-Leonard
Imre Kertész
Life and Works

J.M.R. Lenz
Herbert Kraft
J.M.R. Lenz

The Child
Christine Lavant
The Child

Modern Lusts
Detlef Siegfried
Modern Lusts
Ernest Borneman – Jazz Critic, Filmmaker, Sexologist

Shout it to the World
Armin T. Wegner
Shout it to the World
Manifestos and Open Letters

Style and Morality
Lukas Bärfuss
Style and Morality

» Auschwitz: Never Again! «
Imke Hansen
» Auschwitz: Never Again! «
The Creation of a Symbol and the Everyday Life of a ...

Three Sensations and Two Catastrophes
Joseph Roth
Three Sensations and Two Catastrophes
Features on the World of Cinema

Home is, what Others Talk about
Rosemarie Bovier
Home is, what Others Talk about
Memoirs of a Second Generation Refugee Child

Media Bodies
Uwe Jochum
Media Bodies
Wall Media, Hand Media, Digitalia

The Middle Ages of Modernity
Christian Kiening
The Middle Ages of Modernity
Rilke – Pound – Borchardt

Stefan George
Kai Kauffmann
Stefan George
A Biography

Anarchy in Ruhrtown
Jörg Albrecht
Anarchy in Ruhrtown

Johnny and Jean
Teresa Präauer
Johnny and Jean

The Cosmoscope
Nils Güttler
The Cosmoscope
Maps and their Users in 19th Century Plant Geography

The Political Role of the Judenrat
Lisa Hauff
The Political Role of the Judenrat
Benjamin Murmelstein in Vienna, 1938 –1942

The Long Shadow of National Socialism
Reinhard Rürup
The Long Shadow of National Socialism
History, the Politics of History and the Culture of ...

Lukas Bärfuss

The Art of Adultery
Wolfgang Matz
The Art of Adultery
Emma, Anna, Effi and the Men in their Lives

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