Wallstein Verlag

Rights Catalogue

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Describing the Holocaust
Saul Friedländer
Describing the Holocaust
Moving towards an Integral View of History

An Undertone of Happiness
Harald Hartung
An Undertone of Happiness
On Poets and Poetry

The Pomegranate
Hermann Peter Piwitt
The Pomegranate

Crowscroak over Escalator
Adolf Endler
Crowscroak over Escalator
Half a century in seventy-nine short poems

Laura Doermer
The Story of a Family

Letters 1959 - 1979
Nicolas Born
Letters 1959 - 1979
Edited by Katharina Born

»Forgetting Extermination Is Itself a Part of Extermination«
»Forgetting Extermination Is Itself a Part of Extermination«
Stories of Victims of National Socialist »Euthanasia« ...

Silence is a Sin!
Silence is a Sin!
Open Letters from Martin Luther to Ulrike Meinhof

Gregor Sander
A Novel

The Hamburg Elevated Rail
Ulf Erdmann Ziegler
The Hamburg Elevated Rail
A Novel

Life as Conflict
Martin Dehli
Life as Conflict
On the Life of Alexander Mitscherlich

It Happened
Daniel Hoffmann
It Happened
Traces of My Father from the Holocaust

The Red Zone
Grigori Pasko
The Red Zone
A Prison Journal

The Mind at Work
Michael Hagner
The Mind at Work
Historical Investigations on Brain Research

Long Live Illusions
Peter Handke / Peter Hamm
Long Live Illusions
Conversations in Chaville and Visegrad

Years Among Them
Hermann Peter Piwitt
Years Among Them

Outline of Light
Manfred Peter Hein
Outline of Light
Late Poems, 2000-2005

Hugo Ball. Hermann Hesse
Hugo Ball
Hugo Ball. Hermann Hesse
His Life and Works

Reality as It Is Read
Ruth Klüger
Reality as It Is Read
Fact and Fiction in Literature

Strategy of Escalation
Navid Kermani
Strategy of Escalation
The Middle East and the Politics of the West

Disease in the Laboratory
Christoph Gradmann
Disease in the Laboratory
Robert Koch and Medical Bacteriology

Adolf Endler
A German Career

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